8 Pro Tips For a Successful Bathroom Makeover

A bathroom is a very important place in the house. Imagine coming home tired after a long day and destressing in the bathtub. So it can be a good idea to give it a makeover once in a while. 

However, a renovation requires more than merely selecting new fixtures or hues. It calls for astute planning and a grasp of the essentials to craft a space that’s both comfortable and visually pleasing. Whether it’s a minor refresh or a comprehensive renovation, the expert guidance provided here aims to steer you right. 

Apart from comfort and aesthetics, a bathroom renovation can increase can also increase your property’s value. For example, in Hinsdale, California, you can expect up to 56.9% return on a bathroom remodeling project. So, let’s look at some tips for a successful bathroom renovation.

Planning Your Bathroom Renovation

Hinsdale is known for having one of the most luxurious neighborhoods in Chicago. And your bathroom should reflect this. Start by researching the local trends to ensure your bathroom’s style remains appealing over time. 

Your next step is setting a budget, which will guide your choices throughout the project. It’s wise to think about the layout early on, focusing on creating a functional space that meets your family’s needs. 

Bathroom remodeling isn’t cheap. When you pay a hefty amount, it’s only natural to want the best results. It’s a good idea to talk to companies specializing in bathroom remodels in Hinsdale and discuss your next step. This ensures that you have all the information you need beforehand, and all the renovations go according to your will.

Choosing The Right Fixtures and Fittings

Choosing the right fixtures and fittings for your bathroom makeover is a practical step to ensuring functionality while maintaining a pleasing aesthetic. Start by selecting a good-quality sink and faucet, as these are used daily. 

Go for designs that are easy to clean and maintain. When it comes to bathtubs or showers, choose ones that fit well in your space and cater to the needs of all users in your home. For instance, a walk-in shower might be a better choice for homes with elderly individuals. Additionally, consider investing in water-efficient toilets that can help reduce water usage over time.

Optimizing Bathroom Space

Optimizing bathroom space requires a thoughtful approach to design and installation. Start by choosing fixtures that save space. Floating vanities and wall-mounted toilets are great choices as they free up floor space, creating an open feel. 

Next, turn your attention to the corners. Often overlooked, corners provide an opportunity to maximize space with corner sinks or shelves. These installations make use of areas that otherwise go unutilized. Similarly, consider installing recessed medicine cabinets or built-in shelves to eliminate the need for extra furniture, thereby creating more room.

Additionally, opt for clear glass shower doors instead of curtains to create an unobstructed view, which gives the illusion of a larger space. Lastly, keep the design simple and uncluttered. 

Effective Lighting

Lighting is a key element in any bathroom makeover. It’s not just about brightening the space but creating a comfortable and usable environment. Start by assessing the natural light your bathroom receives, and plan your lighting accordingly. For the mornings and evenings, good overhead light is essential. Consider installing LED lights as they are energy-efficient and provide clear, bright light. 

For tasks like shaving or applying makeup, consider adding task lighting, such as sconces or under-cabinet lights, around the mirror to eliminate shadows. Adding dimmer switches allows you to adjust the brightness to suit different times of day or tasks. 

Ventilation and Humidity Control

Ventilation is crucial for maintaining a fresh and mold-free bathroom environment. A good ventilation system expels damp air and unpleasant odors, ensuring your bathroom remains dry and fresh. Installing an exhaust fan is a straightforward way to enhance ventilation. 

If your bathroom layout and design allow, having a window is an added advantage. 

A window not only provides natural ventilation but also invites daylight into the space, promoting a clean and fresh ambiance. It’s easy to open the window to let fresh air circulate, helping to dry out the space naturally.

Flooring and Wall Materials

Selecting the right materials for your bathroom floors and walls is crucial as they come in direct contact with water every day. It’s wise to pick materials that resist water and are simple to clean. Porcelain and ceramic tiles stand out as favorable choices. They are known for their strength, which ensures they last a long time, reducing the need for replacements or repairs. 

Additionally, these tiles require minimal upkeep, which is a boon for busy homeowners. Their surface doesn’t hold onto dirt or stains. A quick wipe or mop can restore their clean look. Moreover, they come in a variety of styles and colors, which makes it easier to match them with the overall design of your bathroom.

Storage Solutions

A tidy bathroom is a functional bathroom. To keep things orderly and accessible, having enough storage is key. Start by assessing what you have to store and eliminate any unnecessary items. Then, choose storage solutions that fit your needs and the space available. Built-in cabinets are a great choice as they use wall space efficiently, keeping floor space clear. 

They can hold a variety of items, from towels to toiletries. Similarly, installing shelves on unused wall areas or over the toilet offers extra storage without crowding the bathroom. For smaller items, a recessed medicine cabinet is ideal as it keeps things accessible yet out of sight.


Accessibility is a crucial aspect to consider during bathroom makeovers, especially to cater to individuals with mobility challenges. Installing grab bars near the toilet and in the shower area provides support, making these spaces safer and easier to use. A walk-in shower eliminates the need to step over a high tub edge, reducing the risk of falls.

Slip-resistant flooring is another essential feature; materials like textured ceramic tiles or rubber flooring offer better grip, reducing the likelihood of slips. Lever handles for faucets, and an anti-scald device to control water temperature can also enhance safety and usability.


Revamping your bathroom not only elevates your home’s appeal but significantly enhances its functionality. The expert tips provided herein encapsulate crucial aspects from meticulous planning to ensuring accessibility, which is essential for executing a successful makeover. 
