Common Reasons Why Oilfiled Businesses Need Crane Services
If you own or operate an oilfield business, you know there are a lot of moving parts – literally and figuratively. From drilling rigs to production equipment, heavy machinery is a big part of the job. That’s why having reliable crane services available is so important for oilfield companies. Keep reading as we discuss some of the most common reasons you need crane services as part of your oilfield operations.
Moving Drilling Rigs and Other Large Equipment
One of the main reasons oilfield businesses need crane services is to move drilling rigs and other large equipment around the job site. Drilling rigs can weigh hundreds of tons and are often moved from one drill site to another.
Using cranes allows these massive structures to be transported and positioned safely and efficiently. The same goes for moving drill pipe, wellhead equipment, and other heavy oilfield machinery that requires skilled crane work. Having an experienced crane service on call gives you the capability to relocate equipment and keep your operations running smoothly.
Lifting and Installing Heavy Components
Another common need for crane services in the oilfield is lifting and installing heavy components like wellheads, pumps, compressors, and tanks. These vital pieces of equipment can weigh anywhere from a few tons to over 100 tons. They require substantial lifting power to be positioned correctly.
With the right sized crane and a knowledgeable operator, heavy oilfield components can be installed and constructed safely and securely. Trying to mount these systems without a crane service would be extremely difficult, dangerous, and time consuming.
Transporting Materials To and From Sites
Cranes allow you to efficiently transport all kinds of materials to and from your oilfield sites. Pipe, casing, tubing, fluids, chemicals, waste – anything that needs to be moved can be lifted and carried by a crane truck designed for oilfield work.
This on-site materials handling increases productivity and keeps your operations on track. You don’t have to wait around for someone else to deliver items or take away waste materials when you have your own crane service ready to transport whatever you need.
Emergency Rig Work and Repairs
Unexpected downtime is bad news for oilfield companies. That’s why having an emergency crane service available is a smart idea. If a rig component fails or something breaks down requiring major repairs, a crane service can respond quickly to recover equipment and facilitate fixes.
Whether it’s lifting a broken top drive off the rig or removing a damaged mud pump for service, crane companies prevent expensive delays by enabling urgent rig work and repairs. You can get up and running again promptly.
Safely Managing Heavy Loads
At the end of the day, cranes provide safe, reliable lifting capability for all those heavy loads on your job site. Attempting to move hundreds of tons of equipment without proper crane machinery is extremely dangerous.
Licensed crane operators have the skills and experience necessary to safely handle these kinds of challenging lifts. They ensure oilfield components, machinery and materials are transported and positioned securely using the right equipment. Safe lifting means avoiding accidents, injuries, spills and damage.
Having professional crane services readily available provides all kinds of benefits for oilfield businesses like yours. From moving drilling rigs to installing equipment components, transporting materials and facilitating emergency repairs, cranes are an essential service.
The next time you need a lift on one of your job sites, be sure to call a trusted, experienced oilfield services company that offers crane services, such as Renegade Wireline Services. They have the machinery, expertise and track record to handle your important project safely and efficiently.