Complete More Painting Jobs

Tips & Suggestions to Help You Complete More Painting Jobs

As a professional painter or decorator, efficiency and quality are paramount to your success. Completing more jobs not only boosts your income but also strengthens your reputation and expands your client base.

Planning and Preparation

Detailed Estimates

Providing precise and detailed estimates is crucial. Include costs for materials, labor, and any unexpected expenses. A transparent estimate builds trust with your clients and prevents disputes. Use a system like Project 2 Payment to manage your invoicing and payments, ensuring everything is as efficient as possible.

Efficient Scheduling

Use a digital calendar or project management tool to schedule your jobs. This ensures you can visualize your workload and avoid overbooking. Also, allocate time buffers between jobs to account for unforeseen delays, travel, and cleanup.

Material Preparation

Buying paint and supplies in bulk can save time and money. Ensure you have a well-stocked inventory to avoid last-minute runs to the store.

Create prep kits with essential tools and materials for different types of jobs.

Execution and Techniques

Efficient Techniques

  • Cutting in first – Cut in around edges and corners before rolling paint on larger areas. This technique speeds up the process and provides a cleaner finish.
  • Use of proper tools – Invest in high-quality brushes, rollers, and sprayers.
  • Two-coat system – Applying two thinner coats instead of one thick coat can save time in the long run. It ensures better coverage and reduces the risk of drips and uneven finishes.

Speed Tips

  • Roller extensions – Use roller extensions for high walls and ceilings to reduce ladder work and increase your reach.
  • Wet edges – Keep a wet edge while painting to avoid lap marks and ensure a uniform finish. This technique requires you to work quickly but produces a superior result.
  • Minimal cleanup – Line your paint tray with a disposable liner to reduce cleanup time. Use painter’s tape to protect surfaces and minimize the need for touch-ups.

Client Communication

Clear Communication

Spend time discussing the client’s expectations, preferences, and any specific requirements. Clear communication upfront prevents misunderstandings and revisions.

Keep your clients informed about the progress of the job. Regular updates build trust and allow for any adjustments to be made promptly.

Handling Changes

Implement a change order system for any additional work or modifications requested by the client. Documenting changes formally ensures both parties agree on the new scope and cost.

Be flexible and accommodating to client needs, but also firm about the implications of changes on the timeline and budget.

Maximizing Efficiency

Team Management

Hire experienced and reliable crew members. A skilled team can work more independently and complete tasks faster. Delegate tasks based on individual strengths and skills.

Time Management

Set daily goals for your team to ensure steady progress. Plan for breaks and rest periods strategically to minimize downtime and keep the team energized and focused.

Marketing and Expansion

Building Reputation

Never compromise on quality. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool, and satisfied clients are likely to recommend your services to others.

Collect testimonials and reviews from happy clients. Showcase these on your website and social media to build credibility and attract new business.

Expanding Services

Offer complementary services like wallpaper installation, drywall repair, or decorative finishes. Expanding your service offerings can attract a wider range of clients.

Partner with other contractors, such as interior designers or real estate agents, to generate referrals and collaborate on larger projects.

Health and Safety

Safe Practices

Always wear the appropriate safety gear, such as masks, gloves, and goggles. Ensure proper ventilation in the workspace to avoid inhaling fumes from paints and solvents.


Regularly train your team on safety protocols and proper handling of equipment and materials. A well-informed team is less likely to make mistakes that can cause delays or accidents.

Keep a first aid kit on-site and ensure team members are trained in basic first aid. Quick response to minor injuries can prevent them from becoming major issues.

Technology and Tools

Advanced Equipment

Invest in advanced spray systems for large projects. They can significantly reduce painting time while providing a smooth and even finish. Use digital color matching tools to ensure precise color consistency. This reduces the likelihood of errors and rework.


Eco-friendly Options

Use low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints to minimize environmental impact and improve indoor air quality. These paints are healthier for both you and your clients.

Properly dispose of or recycle paint cans, brushes, and other materials. Encourage clients to opt for environmentally friendly options whenever possible.

Energy Efficiency

Use energy-efficient lighting on job sites to reduce electricity consumption and provide better visibility. Plan your transportation routes to minimize fuel consumption and travel time.

Continuous Improvement


Regularly seek feedback from clients about your services. Constructive criticism helps you identify areas for improvement and enhance your service quality. Encourage your team to share their insights and suggestions for improving workflows and processes.

Training and Development

Invest in ongoing training for yourself and your team. Stay updated with the latest techniques, materials, and industry trends to remain competitive.

Obtain relevant certifications to showcase your expertise and commitment to professional standards.

Building a Strong Brand

Consistent Branding

Maintain a professional image with branded uniforms, vehicles, and marketing materials. Consistency in branding enhances your business’s visibility and credibility.

Develop a strong online presence through a professional website and active social media profiles. Share your work, client testimonials, and valuable tips to engage with your audience.

By incorporating these tips and suggestions into your painting and decorating business, you can enhance your efficiency, complete more jobs, and build a stronger reputation.
